Exercise that Isn’t a Chore

Keep Fit, Healthy and Happy 

We don’t need anything else to dampen our spirits so click on the images to try these new ways to keep moving.

Get Moving With Disney Family 

Creative Disney workouts – the perfect way to break a sweat without leaving the comfort of your own home!

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids. Interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence – and get kids into yoga and mindfulness early!

Stay fit with Mr Motivator

Don your best lycra and get limbering up, because Mr Motivator is in the house!

Dolly Trolley Drag Aerobics

Dolly Trolley hosts free live drag aerobics every Wednesday at 7.30pm on Facebook and Instagram

Upmo’s Yoogalaxy ‘Tracing Fingers’

Upmo have created a range of bespoke yoga tutorials with their students in mind. Relaxation and respite from stress in one easy lesson!

Ageing Well at home exercises

Midlothian Ageing Well have a brilliant

George Ezra Dance routine by Upmo Connect


Upmo connect have brought their tutors online for everyone to benefit.